Research papers

Research papers

Staff Name : Ms. Puja Mohan Ghadge

Sr. No. Research papers
1. Published Research article on “Solubility enhancement of atorvastatin calcium by using natural carrier” in International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 2021, 15-17.
2. Published Review article on “A Review on solubility enhancement of poorly water soluble drug using natural carrier” in International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and allied sciences 10 (10), 2021, 420-422.
3. Published paper entitled Preparation and evaluation of Multipurpose polyherbal Hair Oil in International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts,Vol, 11, JULY 2023, ISSN : 2320-2882,g802
4. Published paper entitled Polyherbal Shampoo : Formulation And Evaluation in International Journal Of Creative Research Thoughts,Vol 11, AUG 2023, ISSN : 2320-2882,g147
5. Published paper entitled Studies on Formulation And Evaluation of Herbal Aloe Vera Sheet Mask in International Journal Of Research And Analytical, Reviews, Vol 10, issue 4,Oct 2023, ISSN : 2348-1269,493

Staff Name : Miss. Vaishanavi K. Dahiwade

Sr. No. Research papers
1. Vaishanavi kisan Dahiwade , Sakshi Shivaji Lamb, Rutuja Raghunath Khade, Prem Padalkar, Sanket Ravtale , Sanket Ahirekar. Formulation and evaluation of polyherbal hair oil. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research. Volume 8, Issue 2, 2023, Page No. 30-34. ISSN: 2455-4685.